Used Electric Cadillac Escalade IQ Cars for Sale
Mileage: 616 mi.
Location: Plymouth, MI
Dealer: Suburban Cadillac Of Plymouth
Mileage: 380 mi.
Location: Fredericksburg, VA
Dealer: Radley Cadillac
Mileage: 726 mi.
Location: San Antonio, TX
Dealer: Cavender Cadillac Company
What is the average price for used electric Cadillac Escalade IQ and how many are for sale?
Available15A total of 15 cars for sale are available.
Average$139,273$139,273 is the average price.
Сheapest$118,499The price is starting from as low as $118,499.
Most Expensive$155,000The most expensive cars cost up to $155,000.