Used Electric Chevrolet Silverado EV Cars for Sale
Mileage: 187 mi.
Location: Greensboro, NC
Dealer: Terry Labonte Chevrolet
Mileage: 9,877 mi.
Location: Norwood, MA
Dealer: Nucar Hyundai Of Norwood
Mileage: 5 mi.
Location: Lodi, CA
Dealer: Sanborn Chevrolet
Mileage: 1,524 mi.
Location: New Rochelle, NY
Dealer: New Rochelle Chevrolet
Mileage: 3,967 mi.
Location: Washington, MO
Dealer: Modern Auto Company, Inc.
Mileage: 386 mi.
Location: La Quinta, CA
Dealer: La Quinta Chevrolet
Mileage: 726 mi.
Location: Overland Park, KS
Dealer: Mccarthy Chevrolet Of Overland Park
What is the average price for used electric Chevrolet Silverado EV and how many are for sale?
Available79A total of 79 cars for sale are available.
Average$74,157$74,157 is the average price.
Сheapest$51,760The price is starting from as low as $51,760.
Most Expensive$97,290The most expensive cars cost up to $97,290.